Yoga for back care

improving spinal health

The structure and function of the spine is the “backbone” of our wellbeing, the spine as the foundation of our interaction  with the world.

So, how can you find health in your back within your yoga practice? 

Yoga for back care objectives’ focus on balance between strength and flexibility, gaining awareness of your movements. It encourages the use of props,  modifications and variations to make your practice comfortable.

This is a practice for the whole-body health and wellbeing.

Practice regularly - little and often, to reap the benefits and show up for yourself and everyone around you!

What is Yoga for Back care?

Yoga for back care is not therapeutic yoga, it is not a 1 to 1 nor a practice for raging pain. This is a specialist group class that is suitable for everyone that is looking to improve their spinal health, whether you have a yoga practice or not.

The environment in a yoga for back care class is genuine and welcoming, a class where you can safely build and improve the health of your back. You may notice that this is the right sort of yoga practice for you, as everyone can do something.

Remember this is your practice, your yoga. It can be anything you want it to be, just breath, move at your own pace, remember it’s okay to step back and come back in when you are ready.

Class description

  • A yoga class that focuses on improving strength and mobility using gentle and repetitive routines in order to develop an understanding of posture, spinal health and how to maintain it.

  • Classes will include pain and anatomy education, breathing and relaxation.

  • Appropriate for students with general aches and pains (not only in the back) and those who have been referred for exercise by a therapist.

  • It is not suitable if you have an episode of acute back pain, or if you have undiagnosed back pain.

  • As with any yoga practice, you are responsible for your own body when in class. If in doubt please speak to the teacher who will give general advice amidst a group atmosphere but cannot provide one-on-one consultation, diagnosis or therapy.


Restorative Yoga